Please choose a service from the list below:

Die Cast – Engineering – Die Shop – Secondary – TumblingFinishing


Die Cast

Post image for Die Cast

We die cast parts from a fraction of an ounce up to 8 lbs. in zinc and up to 10 lbs. in aluminum.  Our fully automated casting machines offer consistency from cycle to cycle.




Post image for Engineering

Our engineering department is staffed with well-trained, experienced professionals with up to 25 years
experience in the die casting field. Working closely with our customers, we offer design assistance to promote improved castability of part designs and reduced costs. We utilize Solid Works CAD software.



Die Shop

Post image for Die Shop

From CAD design directly to CNC machining of electrodes and on to our EDM, our modern, well-equipped shop maintains all our die cast tooling, performs customer requested tooling modifications, and designs and fabricates secondary tooling.



Secondary Services

Post image for Secondary Services

We provide both CNC and conventional machining (drilling, tapping, reaming). We also have specialized equipment for undercut grooving and dual-drilling operations.

In addition, our trained personnel provide assembly services.





Post image for Tumbling

Offers a low-cost means of flash removal and deburring. Our processes include part-on-part vibratory finishing, wheelabrating, as well as parts in-solution with media.





Post image for Finishing

Offers a low-cost means of flash removal and deburring. Our processes include part-on-part vibratory finishing, wheelabrating, as well as parts in-solution with media.